Claire doesn’t get a lot of space in my blog. She’s succeeding in school, learning and growing. It isn’t all rosy. She feels anxiety and stress, but I see her life flourishing.
She has been co-writing a play with her friends Caitlin and Jamie, and they applied to produce the play at the 2005 Winnipeg Fringe Festival. They call themselves the Angry at Apples Company. The play doesn’t have a name yet. I don’t understand the rules, and it involves a lottery. They were drawn yesterday, and they are in. Claire is planning to take credit as a co-writer, and to produce and stage-manage the play. As I understand it, she is not planning to act. I don’t know much about the play, and Claire isn’t talking. But she hasn’t had the Spanish Inquisition yet. I don’t know if she expects the Spanish Inquisition …
Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition.