Yeast measurement for bread machines

Table of Contents

Yeast for a Panasonic machine

Low salt

I had tried, with the machine I had before the Panasonic SD-YD250 bread machine (acquired in 2016), to use less salt than the recipe says. For a reduction of salt by 50%, I followed the rule of thumb of reducing salt and yeast equally by weight. For low sodium I cut yeast in equal proportions by weight1This is a rule of thumb which has be adjusted based on the recipe and the machine, according to experience!. The principle is to reduce yeast by the same percentage as salt as suggested in The Bread Lover’s Bread Machine Cookbook (“BLBMC“) at p. 290 and by the May 2016 post on the Please Don’t Pass the Salt bread page

I used 50% of salt and 50% of the instant yeast for SAF instant yeast in a BLBMC recipe. If the recipe says 1.5 tsp salt, as many recipes did, I calculated salt by weight as 1.5 x 5.7 g. = 8.6 g, and I used 4.3 grams salt. If the recipe said 2 tsp. instant yeast, as many recipes did, which weighs 6.2 g. I would use 3.1 g.

There has to be a lower limit to this method – all bread needs some yeast or leavening to rise.


When I started to bake in the Panasonic SD-YD250 bread machine, I had a problem. Medium loaves (1.5 lb.), both low sodium and regular recipe, based on the BLBMC filled the  pan, and had airy, weak crumb; some ballooned or cratered/collapsed/imploded. The fermentation was excessive for the amount of dough

Panasonic Manual Recipes

Panasonic’s recipes (in the manual; see its online recipe resource pages) call for 3.1 g. instant yeast (1 tsp.) to 417 g total flour weight for a medium (1.5 lb.) loaf; in baker percentage 0.7%. This is half the amount of yeast for loaves that size in BLBMC recipes:

  • 1 tsp (instead of 2 tsp or more ) for 3 cups of flour for a medium loaf;
  • 1.5 tsp. for 4.375 cups of flour for extra large loaves.

Another clue – the Panasonic SD-YD250 will bake an extra large (2.5 lb) loaf that may take more than 4 cups of flour but the yeast dispenser does not hold much more that a tablespoon. And an observation – set for medium loaves, basic bake and whole wheat cycles, the Panasonic SD-YD250 mixes for 3 minutes, kneads and rests to rise before baking. The knead time of 20-30 minutes is a little longer than for many machines. The rise phase is 2 hours, more or less, depending on the size of the loaf. The rise is longer by about 25-30 minutes than the rise in other machines.

Bread baked in the Panasonic SD-YD250 bread machine does not need as much yeast as recipes from sources other than the Panasonic manual. The main differences between the Panasonic and machine and older bread machines are:

  • Gluten formation, and
  • Fermentation:
    • longer “rise” periods,
    • programmed heating during fermentation periods – the baking pan is warmed by the element, turning the baking space into a warm proofing box.

The long rise in a warm space allows the yeast to produce more gas. A small amount of yeast, given time and good conditions, leavens more dough,

Less yeast

I was able to use BLBMC formulas for white, whole wheat, and multigrain formulas requiring 2 tsp. instant yeast (6.2 g.) for a medium loaf (a formula with 3 cups or 15 oz. flour +/- by weight) by adjusting the yeast to 1 tsp. (3.12 g.). This produced loaves that were properly inflated.

This adjustment works for almost any recipe not specifically written for a Panasonic machine:

  • (BLBMC formulas have different amounts of SAF instant yeast and “bread machine yeast”. Ignore the amount of “bread machine yeast” in a BLBMC formula and use the amount for SAF instant yeast);
  • Weigh the yeast and salt; know the correct conversion factors:
    • 1 tsp of instant yeast weighs 3.12 or 3.15 grams, and
    • A recipe refers to conventionally ground table salt; 1 tsp weighs 5.7 grams;

I note the BLBMC/recipe amount of instant yeast. I calculate a “Panasonic” adjustment by halving the yeast stated in the BLBMC. For my Panasonic, this became the amount of yeast for the recipe. This reduction prevented the overflow/balloon problem and mixed dough that baked into bread. I did not change salt from the recipe in testing this adjustment in yeast.

I was not able to determine that 50% is absolutely the right conversion factor. It leavened the dough and prevented the ballooning loaves.

Other machines

Bread machines differ. Recipes for bread machine loaves cannot necessarily be used in different machines without making adjustments.

Salt and Yeast

I continued to bake with 50% of the salt in a recipe. As noted, my approach had been to halve both salt and yeast.

Where I had cut yeast to the low instant Panasonic number, I would cut this again to match the salt reduction. This meant I would use only 25% of the BLBMC or recipe yeast to bake 50% salt bread in the Panasonic. This worked cutting salt and cutting yeast that much, but began to affect results.

The rule of cutting yeast for the machine and cutting again by half when I reduce salt by half works reasonably well if I leave more than 1.4 g (half a teaspoon) of instant yeast for 3 cups of bread flour. If I cut salt more, I will have experiment to find the amount of instant yeast that will ferment and make a dough that flows and rises. I will have to adjust yeast differently when I eventually replace the Panasonic machine.

Panasonic SD-YD250 Bread Machine

I bought a Panasonic SD-YD250 bread machine in 2016. After some setbacks, I put it aside. I came back to it and spent time troubleshooting the main problem: the right amount of yeast for bread in this machine.

Reviews at Everyday Sandwich and Make Bread at Home describe and illustrate this machine.  Like other Panasonic 2.5 lb loaf machines, the SD-RD250 and the SD-YR2500, it has loaf size settings for medium (1.5 lb), large (2 lb) and extra large (2.5 lb) loaves baked in a tall vertical rectangle pan. It does not have a setting for small (1 lb.) loaves. Medium and large loaves are shaped like tall loaves baked in loaf pans. Extra large loaves are long when laid down, and relatively wide and tall, compared to other loaf shapes.

The lid does not have a viewing window. Unlike most bread machines, it has a yeast dispenser. The dispenser has drawbacks. The dropper – a little button – has to be jiggled to make sure it is seated before filling the compartment. The yeast dispenser is not an essential feature. Users can keep yeast away from the water before the mixing phase in a machine which takes dry ingredients first (at the bottom of the pan) is to put yeast first, before the flour.

The SD-YD250 can bake daily or sandwich bread,with white flour or whole wheat. Also, loaves made with specialty varieties of wheat, (e.g. spelt). It can bake loaves with other flour or meal added to wheat flour (e.g. light rye – a mixture of white flour and rye flour, although manufacturer deprecates using rye flour).

The pan coating releases the loaf easily at the end of the bake cycle but the paddle stays on the shaft in the pan. (Removing the paddle from the pan can be done immediately with an oven mitt, or after the pan cools after taking the loaf from pan.  It works better before the bits of crumb around the end of the shaft dry out and bond the paddle to the shaft.)

The inside measurements of the pan are 19 cm (7.5 inches) long by 14 cm (5.5 inches) wide in the pan’s normal operating configuration when it is vertical. Any loaf will be or should be 19 cm x 14 cm.   The pan is 14.5 cm (5.7 inches) bottom to top. In a Panasonic extra large pan, a 2.5 lb. recipe of 4.4 cups of flour and about 2 cups of liquid would bake a loaf over 14.5 cm “long”, 19 cm “high”, and 14 cm “wide”.

The instruction book recommends dry ingredients be loaded first.

There are two kinds of program, bake and dough.  The dough process has three phases; a bake cycle has the fourth one:

  • (Initial) Rest – the ingredients come to a common temperature. The heating element, as far as I can tell is used for short intervals but not enough to heat the outside of the machine;
  • Knead – a two part phase. 1. Mix the ingredients together, hydrates the flour; 2. Knead to work the proteins in the flour into gluten;
  • Rise – fermentation. 2 hours in basic bake. The heating element is deployed to keep yeast at a good temperature (the dough may heat up on its own) on a cooler day. The mixer drive is deployed for knockdowns in this phase;
  • Bake – the heating element bakes the bread.

It has basic and whole wheat programs. The basic and whole wheat bake programs have variations – basic, sandwich, rapid, and raisin. In the bake programs, there is a setting for loaf size, M, L, or XL. This affects the length of knead and rise phases.

There are no notable differences between the basic bake and bake sandwich programs, or the whole wheat bake, whole wheat sandwich bake, and multi-grain bake programs. There are no differences between the whole wheat dough and multi-grain dough programs. The raisin programs are the same as the bake and dough programs, with an added warning sound when raisins can be added to the dough. Other programs:

  • a rapid dough program called pizza.
  • a program called bake only.
  • a French Bread program. This provides a longer rise in dough and bake modes, and a longer bake time. There is no loaf size selection; the recipe in the manual for the bake mode has three cups of flour, (which would make dough for a medium 1 ½ lb. bread machine loaf) but produces a loaf that fills the XL pan.

It does not have an identified gluten-free program. There is no program to mix and make bread leavened with other methods (e.g.. baking powder). Breads that are mixed but not kneaded can be mixed outside the machine, and baked in the bake-only program. It does not have customizeable settings or custom programs.

It has a delay timer that can be programmed to finish (and start) at a time up to 13 hours after loading and starting the machine.

A medium loaf in the basic bake program has about 3 cups of flour and 1.25 cups of water or fluid. Dough for a loaf this size, hydrated at 71,  could be baked in a 1.5 pound bread pan (about 2,600 cubic centimeters) – perhaps filling it. A 1.5 pound conventional oven pan is 25 cm (10 inches) long, 13 cm (5 inches) wide and (about) 8 cm deep.

With white flour in the basic bake program, the height of  medium loaf from the bottom of the pan to top of the loaf at the wall of the pan would be around 75% of the height of the extra large pan: about 9 cm at the side of the pan. To the top of the domed top of the loaf, 11-12 cm is reasonable; more is tall.  Height changes with:

  • type of flour (e.g. rye flour does not rise as well as wheat flour); or a small change in the amount of flour (1/4 cup), water, salt or yeast; or
  • cycle, e.g. French Bake – the bread rises and is less dense – more space for the same mass.

The motor has two speeds: off and on.  Mixing involves turning the power on and off in short intervals.  Mixing, for a medium loaf, on any cycle, is under 5 minutes:

  • 30 seconds – 40 pulses: 1/2 second on, 1/4 second off;
  • 120 seconds – 120 pulses: 3/4 quarter second on, 1/4 second off;
  • 30 seconds on;
  • The yeast dispenser drops yeast;
  • 35 second pause.
  • 60 seconds – 10 pulses: 4 seconds on, 2 seconds off.

The mixing forms a ball of dough centered on the paddle.

To knead dough, the machine pushes it around the pan. The dough sticks to the sides of the pan, and is stretched until it snaps away. This is similiar to the operation of a stand mixer, with pauses. This involves longer intervals with the motor on.

This machine has a long rise. The manual does not indicate that the heater warms the pan while the dough is “rising” (either primarary fermentation or secondary/proofing) but there may be some heat to aid the dough to rise.

The devices uses the motor for short intervals twice to deflate(knock down) the dough. In basic bake there are 2 sets of about 15 slow turns  at – 2:00 and – 1:40 on the countdown timer. After the second knock down (50 minutes before baking phase)  the dough should relax and flow to fill the bottom of the pan and rise again. In the first part of the bake phase, the dough should spring. A tenacious dough holds its ball shape for a long time. It may gather at one end of the pan.  The result is that the top of the baked loaf slopes. This happens with some dough in this kind of pan.  There is a hydration zone.  A tenacious dough may not flow.  A wet dough may balloon or collapse.

It supports low sodium baking, as any bread machine does. If the salt is reduced, the yeast should be reduced by the same proportion.

This Panasonic model uses less yeast than machines by other brands. It kneads hard and gives the dough a long rise, with a bit of heat to keep the dough at the right temperature to ferment. It deflates the dough softly in short knock-downs. It needs only about half as much yeast as other machines. This means, with many or most recipes, for 50% sodium, I am using half the salt and one quarter of the yeast.

Bread Machines

Table of Contents



Bread machines came on the market about 1986, and became popular outside Japan by the late 1990s.  My first bread machine was a Black & Decker B1561. I replaced it with a Panasonic  SD-YD250 in 2016, and a Zojirushi Virtuoso (the 2016 model, the BB-PAC20) in 2020 [Updated].

A bread machine is a labour saving tool. A bread machine makes one unsliced loaf at a time. Bread machine bread will have a dense uniform crumb that is strong enough be sliced. The crust will be firm but not crisp. Lacking preservatives, bread machine bread may become stale or grow mould after a few days.

Bread machines process milled grain flour with water, salt, yeast or another leavener, and other ingredients to produce the processed food “bread” – yhey bake bread. They start with processed or plain ingredients. Bread machines use standard bakers’ supplies – flour, fluids, sugar, salt, rising agent (yeast or chemical), seeds, herbs, fruit, nuts etc. They mix the ingredients, process dough and bake dough until the dough becomes a baked product.

A bread machine has a heating element, a motor, a removable pan mounted to the frame, a paddle shaped mixing device (it may be called a dough hook or kneader) connected to the power train by a shaft in sealed bearings at the bottom of the pan. Machines may be used 2 or three times a week for several years. Modern machines have durable no-stick coatings. The pan is a mixing bowl and a baking pan. The size of the pan determines the maximum or optimal amount of ingredients to avoid a loaf that overflows the pan. It is possible to bake loaves that are smaller than the space available inside a bread machine pan, but it takes some planning.


Bread machines follow the series of steps followed by professional bakers and home cooks. The designer can program combinations of steps that should produce results with some combinations of ingredients if the machine is loaded properly. The ingredients are mixed and kneaded. The machine has to wait while the dough rises, and then bake the dough into bread. Each step takes time. Manufacturers try to speed up the process by processing the dough differently or adding more rising agent to increase the speed and magnitude of the rise of the dough.

Bread machines are not all the same. Web sites may say that they all work the same way. Beth Hensperger tried to write recipes that worked well in all bread machines in

  • Robotic Kneads, a chapter in The Bread Bible: Beth Hensperger’s 300 Favourite Recipes (1999), and
  • The Bread Lover’s Bread Machine Cookbook (2000),

A bread machine can produce enriched (sandwich) bread similiar to the bread produced by commercial bakeries, generally without preservatives. Some bread machines can produce unbaked dough. Some can be used to bake cakes or mix jam.

There are a few conventional ways of talking about some features of bread machines.

Bread machines all have containers that serve as mixing bowls and baking pans. Bread machines are described by reference to the volume of the pan and the capacity to bake a loaf (by comparison, 1 pound loaf would be regular in a bakery or a home baking recipe; 1.5 pounds would be large:

  • small loaf – 1 lb. – 2 cups of flour;
  • medium loaf – 1.5 lb. – 3 cups of flour;
  • large loaf – 2 lb.- 4 cups of flour; and
  • extra large – 2.5 or 3 lb.

The pans have similiar shapes – there are a few general types. The mixing pans have mixing paddles inside the pan, with mechanisms to connect the paddles to a drive system in the machine.The Bread Lover’s Bread Machine Cookbook (Harvard Common Press, 2000) (BLBMC) calls bread machine pans tall, horizontal, and vertical rectangle. Pan shape dictates the shape of the loaf :

  • The tall pan has one paddle in the middle at the bottom; it may be square or oval.  A machine that makes small and medium loaves will have a “tall” pan. 
  • Machines with horizontal pans produce loaves shaped like bread produced in a bakery. These pans have two paddles.
  • A machine that makes 2 pound loaves may be tall, horizontal or vertical rectangle. 
  • Machines that bake 2.5 and 3 pound loaves will have vertical rectangle pans, with a single paddle – e.g. Panasonic 250 or 2500 models; Breville Custom Loaf XL.

Bread machines usually have basic bake and whole wheat bake programs.

  • The basic program is for dough made from white flour milled from wheat – usually higher protein “bread” flour. Basic bake is for enriched bread, made with bread flour, with sugar, milk, butter or oil, or sandwich bread. This program is usually the choice for loaves that use a blend of bread flour and whole wheat, rye and other flours . The basic bake program is versatile enough to make some lean loaves, although lean breads may also be baked in a French bread program or a custom program if a machine has those features.
  • The whole wheat bake program will knead longer and change other phases. These programs work with thousands of recipes,

Whole wheat flour and bread flour weigh the same amount per unit of volume, Bread flour has more of the proteins that bond to form gluten. It is mixed, kneaded and handled differently.

Other cycles:

  • Bake (Rapid), Turbo, Quick Bake, Rapid, etc. They will knead for close to the normal time. They shorten the rise phase(s) but require more yeast for faster fermentation, hence the “Quick” or “Rapid” rising aspect of these programs. Some knead more vigorously. Most will call for more rising agent, or a different rising agent (e.g. a quick-rise or rapid-rise yeast) for a rapid rise or quick-rise program. The dough, to reduce the total time, is programmed to rise once and not knocked down or risen a second or third time.The BLBMC noted there were serious differences between machines with regard to these programs.
  • French or European Bake. These programs have longer rise and bake phases to bake lean crusty loaves. Some machines allow users to create custom settings (e.g. Breville BBM800XL and some Zojirushi models) to set the times for phases to get this program as a custom.
  • Cake or Quick Bread. Quick Breads is a term that bakers use to refer to bread leavened by rising agents other than yeast. This program is for bread and other baked goods leavened with baking powder or baking soda e.g. corn bread and cakes. It mix ingredients into a batter. The leavening agent starts to act as soon as the batter is wet, until the batters sets. Batter made this way can be baked as soon as the mixing has stopped
  • Dough programs mix and knead, and rise but omit the baking phase
  • Bake only – a feature on some machines noted in the BLBMC. It is not common.
  • Jam – some machines have programs to mix jam.

The differences between basic bake, French/European, and the custom program. Times (Panasonic medium loaf, Zojirushi default) in minutes. Baking temp. not tested or published by manufacturers.

MachineProgramRestMix/kneadRiseRise 1Rise 2Rise 3Bake
Panasonic SD-YD250 Basic301511050
Zorjirushi BB-PAC20Basic311935204060
Panasonic SD-YD250 French401017555
Zorjirushi BB-PAC20 Custom –

Some gluten-free recipes involve chemical leaven e.g. baking powder, baking soda and can be baked in a cake program. For loaves leavened without yeast, which are traditionally called “Quick Bread’ (BLBMC p. 538) Hensperger prefers the quick bread program or cake program hat mixes a batter and bakes. In the BLBMC (2000), Beth Hensperger addressed gluten-free (p. 170) baking as making bread with yeast as the rising agent, from specialty flour – flour that lacks gluten but could form crumb with additives that made dough gummy. Hensperger suggested using a quick rise bake program. Gluten-free dough has to be mixed and kneaded which occurs in the mix/knead phase in a bread machine program, and then requires time to rise. Some manufacturers including Zojirushi have built their machines with that kind of gluten-free program

Manufacturers are competitive and rely on marketing to sell their own machines. Manufacturers have not agreed on standards and do not use language the same way.

Most bread machines have a user manual and a recipe booklet. It is worth reading these to determine the basic amounts of flour, water, salt and yeast for basic loaves in the machine’s wheat flour programs – basic bread, whole wheat, European/French. A recipe that has worked in one brand machine cannot be used in another brand. Recipes have to be adjusted for different machines.

Resources, Conventions

There are a few more books and a few web sites about bread machines (and many sites with recipes). Some web sites:

There are reviews on the Web – buried in search engine result under superficial reviews and marketing material (SEO is not the consumer’s friend). Some review site are platforms for marketing and promotion or gateways to marketing sites. Comprehensive reviews by knowledgable reviewers are rare. Consumer Reports may never have done breadmakers or bread machines. Culinary magazines snip and snipe. Amateur reviews tend to recite manufacturer marketing claims or focus on features that someone believes are persuavive to consumers, and not on the machine or the bread. The reviews at are throrough and informative, but the site is not comprehensive. The New York Times affiliate Wirecutter site tackled the subject periodically (eg. 2019), but only covers a few machines.

A bread machine can be used to bake artisinal loaves but there are usually no built-in programs or functions. The machine can be used as a mixer in a dough program, and the dough can be rested, shaped and baked. It is possible, for some loaves, to leave the dough in the pan and stop the machine, and put the pan back and bake the loave after it has fermented and risen.

In bread machines, as in industrial bakeries, the product depends on the recipe, the process and measurement. Beth Hensperger in the BLBMC, consistently with other baking books, list ingredients by volume but suggests weighing ingredients. A user selects a program, which a manufacturer or writer may call a “course” or “cycle”. It takes from 3 to 4 hours or more, after loading the machine, to run a program and bake bread in a “regular” baking program (as opposed to the quick or rapid options available with almost all machines). Some reviewers say a long cycle is a drawback. But a long cycle may bake a better loaf more consistently.

These are expensive appliances. There is little discussion of repairs after the warranty period, and little public discussion about the ability and willingness of manufacturers to supply repair parts, at any price, over the life of a machine.

The machines are susceptible to failure. The drive system, including the drive shafts, is largely not accessible. Some manufacturers will sell a replacement assembly such as a mixing/baking pan. Replacing a pan may be the only way to repair a failure in the bearing and seals of the drive shafts in a pan.



A home baker needs space, several vessels or machines to mix and rest dough, baking pans and an oven.

Bread dough has to be viscous (the standard engineering term) or tenacious or elastic (bakers’ jargon) but extensible (more bakers’ jargon). Dough must be tenacious (elastic) enough to hold shape until the loaf is baked – the dough has become a loaf of “crumb” coasted in “crust”. A tenacious dough holds its shape until the loaf bakes and the heat kills the yeast. When the baker is producing loaves in pans in industrial ovens, the baker needs extensible dough that flows, fills the pan and rises. A home baker may put the dough in bread pans or shape the dough by hand before baking it in the oven. A bread machine pan, like an oven pan, shapes the loaf.

Most programs require the use of wheat flour to form gluten and and yeast to biologically ferment dough. High protein white flour (USA bread flour or Canadian All Purpose flour) and regular grind whole wheat flour (coarse ground is available) are similar in density, weight, starch and protein but form gluten, ferment, rise and bake differently. Whole wheat flour has bran and wheat germ. In traditional baking, it has to be mixed longer to distribute fluid and ensure hydration. There are different approaches to kneading, with some favouring less and others more. In a bread machine, kneading is a succession of stop and go operations of the motor and drive train.

If the user has not loaded the machine properly, the dough will be wrong after the initial mix. The wet flour should be a sticky mass that forms into an elastic, tenacious ball of dough. A dry dough will not knead, flow and rise.  A wet dough may collapse. A dough may be saved by the addition of water or flour during the initial mix and before the knead/mix starts – or ruined by an excessive or untimely intervention. Ideally, the machine should be paused and then allowed to return to mixing. Stopping and restarting the machine will go back to the start of the initial rest. It will eventually get back to mixing, but time will be lost, gluten will have started to form, and some fermentation will have occurred.


Baking programs have four main phases called, usually, rest, knead, rise, and bake. Bread machine programs vary the length of time in the phases and other parameters. Most machines will count down minutes and seconds to the conclusion of the program in the timer display. Some machines will display the program phase:

  • In the intitial rest phase for a half hour or an hour after being started, bread machines appear to sit and do nothing. Some machines may use the heating element for a few seconds at a time, to warm the ingredients to a common temperature before mixing.
  • The first active phase is mixing and/or “kneading”, about 20-30 minutes or more. A bread machine mixes or kneads by turning the padde(s). The machine will not identify mixing and kneading as separate operations on the machine display:
    • Mixing involves turning the power on and off in short intervals, for 3-5 minutes, imitating the action of a mixing machine at slow speed. The flour, once wet, becomes a mass and then a sticky ball adhering to the paddle(s). The BLBMC calls initial slow mixing Knead 1.
    • The machine pause for less than two minutes between mixing and kneading. The BLBMC calls the second phase mix/knead Knead 2. The bread machine is kneading when it is starts turn the dough quickly for longer intervals, broken by short pauses. Centrifugal force stretches the dough away from the paddle(s). In a machine with two paddles, the ball passes back and forth from paddle to paddle – occasionally the dough tears into two balls – this is not a good thing. The edges of the ball stick to the paddle(s) and pan. The movement stretches the dough until the dough pulls away and moves.
  • During the rise phase the gluten relaxes, the yeast ferments some starch producing gas trapped in little gluten balloons, which makes the dough rise; the dough flows to fill the pan and take the shape of the pan. A baker divides dough and puts it in oven pans. Two hours in a bread machine is short compared to the rise/rests in some artisinal baking techniques, but compares to the combined times for bulk fermentation and proofing (bench and pan) in many bakeries. The machine turns the paddle(s) at intervals in the rise phase, deflating and moving the dough ball – in most machines and programs, twice. The deflated dough fills up again. It is supposed to flow across the bottom of the pan or flow to fill the pan, and expand upward. After the second knock down the dough should relax and flow to fill the bottom of the pan and rise again. When the oven element is turned on, the dough rises in every direction. This “spring” is supposed to push the dough into the four corners of the pan, and fill the pan. Some machines – e.g. – Zojirushi graph the rise into Rise 1 , 2 & 3 and display the subphases in the display.
  • The heating element is switched on for a bake phase. The designer expects the machine to reach the right temperature with that element heating the air inside that space – there is no direct temperature control setting in most machines. A bread machine does not bake quite as hot as kitchen oven; any machine puts out enough heat to bake the dough completely without burning the crust.

Nutrition Labels

Table of Contents



The idea of a low sodium diet is to consume less sodium.


In the view of corporate executives in the capitalist economy, product labels are part of the narrative of a product – it is space paid for by the manufacturer .  Industry likes to control the narrative.  Miller Lite, in commercials “tastes great” and is “less filling”. Campbell Soup advertises its products as full of healthy ingredients.  The chunky versions could be eaten with a fork. Canned soup is high in sodium, which is a problem.

The legal definition of food adulteration may be limited to contamination or the use of unsafe ingredients; the law requires  food companies to label cheese flavoured products and to admit when processed cheese is not a cheese product.

American manufacturers and sellers of goods and services assert free speech rights in advertising as commercial free speech.  Mandatory labelling is compelled commercial speech. Zauderer v. Office of Disciplinary Counsel of Supreme Court of Ohio, 471 U.S. 626  a 1985 decision of the United States Supreme Court, established a constitutional standard where the government can mandate commercial speech, in the form of disclaimers, as long as the information is “purely factual and uncontroversial”, serves a related government interest, and is meant to prevent consumer deception. The lower US federal appellate courts have addressed the content and context of mandatory disclosure:

  • fluorescent light bulbs contain mercury – proper [National Electrical Manufacturers Association v. Sorrell, Kassel, (Vermont) 2001];
  • graphic depictions of cancerous organs on cigarette packages – improper; [R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. v. FDA 2012];
  • country of origin of meat – proper [American Meat Institute v. US Department of Agriculture 2014];
  • jewellery is sourced with blood diamonds – improper [National Association of Manufacturers v. SEC. 2015]

Wine fraud may involve forgery, unsafe ingredients or misleading presentation.

In Europe in 2017-2018, the regional variation of ingredients became a food scandal – the product is not what was expected by the buyer:

Nutrition Facts

Disclosure of the ingredients of packaged food on the package or a labels is required in the USA and Canada. The disclosure is a quantified ingredient list on the package or label, a table headed “nutrition facts”. This table is on almost everything that has been processed and packaged. It is not on raw meat, fresh fruit or fresh vegetables.

It is not a list of all ingredients. To get a complete list, it is necessary to have access to the databases kept by the government agencies that store the information. The table on a product label will identify sodium in almost anything that has been packaged. However, the Nutrition Facts table is not always clear.

Cheeses vary in sodium content, according to the manufacturer’s method of production. The type of cheese is a factor, as is the manufacturer’s recipe. Much cheese is sold in wedges, wheels or blocks. Retailers selling cheeses as deli counter products may not use Nutrition Facts labels. A consumer, if the product is labelled, has to translate the data into “slices” and estimate sodium.

A Nutrition Facts table lists values per “serving”. The manufacturer chooses the serving size. Some serving sizes are nearly standard. Cheeses conventionally choose a 3 cm cube, a cube 3 cm x 3 cm x 3 cm, (9 cubic cm), and are required to state the weight of the serving. The food brand Kraft lists a cube of the process “cheez” product Velveeta at 30 grams It is sold in extruded blocks weighing 450 grams, 15 cubes, with 450 mg. sodium per cube.

Most manufacturers of soy sauce (a high sodium processed condiment) list the sodium in mg. per tablespoon. The American organic food producer, Braggs labels its Liquid Soy Seasoning as containing 320 mg. sodium per 5 ml. – a mere teaspoon. A tablespoon of Braggs Liquid Soy Seasoning contains 960 mg. sodium – about average for a soy sauce.

There is a second number  – a percentage of the United States Department of Agriculture (“USDA”) Recommend Daily Allowance (“RDA”) per serving. The RDA percentage is useful for some decisions but the RDA is not a prescription or a guaranteed safe allowance – it is high for many people. 

The label can identify sodium in packaged food cooked into a prepared meal.

Labelling of ingredients of restraurant meals is resisted by the food processing and food service industries.

Sodium Searching


Some authors put the the Food Facts information in recipes in books and magazines.  

The main data repository is the USDA collection of Food Composition Databases. It is comprehensive and powerful but does not seem to have a consumer friendly search interface. There are other data sources on the web. For instance, there are online converters, cooking aids, and Calorie Counters.

Searching for “calorie” or ingredients in a search engine brings up a results including some other tools to search for nutrition facts. Information sources may  promote a fad or a personal theory. Buyer beware.

These resources are scientific and fact based:

Methods and tips

Finding the sodium in a dish or meal prepared at home involves finding the sodium in each ingredient of each dish. Calculating the sodium in one serving of a soup made with fresh ingredients required adding up all the sodium in the ingredients, estimating the number of servings in the pot and dividing the sodium. 

Where is the sodium in prepared food?

  • bacon, ham, sausage or prepared meat;
  • packaged soup, broth, canned vegetables,
  • processed sauces;
  • cheese;
  • toppings or dressings

Pouring off the juice from canned goods, if that is possible, reduces sodium.  For recipes with canned, packaged or pre-cooked ingredients the most effective approach is

  • giving up when a recipe requires a can, or even a cup of a branded soup or sauce – that’s a sodium hit in itself;
  • salt is added to almost anything for flavour according to recipes and kitchen practice. It is unnecessary to add salt to the cooking water boil potatoes or cook rice;
  • if a recipe calls for a sauté in bacon, use oil;
  • use no added sodium ingredients – checking the label for any sodium.   The Eden Organic lines of canned beans are zero sodium ; other canners have introduced no sodium lines;
  • no salt added is not sodium free; a no salt added product is a better choice than the regular product. For instance, no salt added broth has far less sodium than the regular product in a product line;
  • Frozen green beans, peas and corn are low in sodium, but not zero sodium;
  • Time and energy considered, cooking broth and dry beans may be less expensive and help keep out sodium.

Campbell Soups No Salt Added Chicken Broth has sodium at 40 mg. per serving.  RDA percentage 2% (1.7% rounded up). Campbell Soups No Salt Added Vegetable Broth has sodium at 20 mg. per serving  RDA percentage 1% (0.86% rounded up). the serving size is 150 milliters or 2/3 of a cup. A 900 milliliter (4 cups) tetrapack of chicken broth has 240 mg. of sodium.The RDA percentage makes it easy to identify the no salt added product as a better choice than the regular choices in the product line.  Calculating the sodium per serving of a soup or stew takes a spreadsheet with numbers for each ingredient and a sense of the serving size.

For salad dressing one manufacturer may use a smaller serving size which make the sodium, by RDA percentage, seem lower. For mayonnaise, the serving size seems to be standardized at 1 tablespoon.  But 1 tablespoon may mean 13 or 15 mililiters, and products vary:

  • Kraft Real Mayo 70 mg. 3 %
  • Kraft (regular) 77 (or 70) mg. 3%
  • Kraft Caloriwise Real 90 mg. 4 %
  • Kraft Miracle Whip Regular 115 mg. 5%
  • Kraft Miracle Whip Caloriwise 140 mg. 6%
  • Hellman’s Real 90 mg. 4%
  • Hellman’s 1/2 The Fat 135 mg. 6%
  • Hellman’s Organic 90 mg. 4%
  • Neal Brothers Organic (250 ml glass jar, Canadian, artisinal and expensive) 85 mg. 3%

At some point I may put this information in a table that will be part of this post or a future post.

Mayonnaise has a bad reputation with health inspectors.  Mayonnaise made with raw eggs can be a food safety hazard.  But packaged processed mayo is not necessarily the unsafe ingredient. It becomes unsafe when food made with the mayo is left at a termperature at which bacteria grows in food.

Squeeze bottles hamper measuring and invite overly generous portions.

Condiments can easily be overserved – It is easy to consume several “servings”.  An olive in a Greek salad, or on a pizza, or in a martini adds a few hundred mg. sodium.

There are several pepper sauces (e.g. Frank’s Red Hot), with 180 mg. of sodium per teaspoon.  “Traditional” McIlhenny Tabasco Sauce has 35 mg. per teaspoon.  Other Tabasco Sauce brands (e.g. Louisana Gold) are up to 175-200 mg. per tsp.

B%, Flour, Water, Yeast, Salt – Bread & Bread machines

Table of Contents


Flour, whether refined and milled fine or coarse, is the ground product of grains. It contains plant proteins and starch. Starch is the carbohydrate in bread, and the ingredient thing that makes it food. Starch consisted of complex molecules of glucose and more complex sugars. The molecules react when exposed to water. Starch begins to dissolve which creates the condition when sugar in starch feeds yeast – fermentation. The proteins react to water by making dough sticky and stretchy.

The United States has eight classes for wheat: Durum, Hard Red Spring, Hard Red Winter, Soft Red Winter, Hard White, Soft White, Unclassed, and Mixed.Wheat and flour standards are based on the practices of the milling companies, in classifying wheat. Daniel DiMuzio discussed this in his printed book, Bread Baking, An Artisan’s Perspective (2010) at pp. 16-18. Wheat is classified on:

  • protein content (hard or soft);
  • kernel color (red or white)
  • planting season (spring or fall called “winter wheat”).

Bread flour is made from hard red spring, hard red winter, and hard white winter wheat. The USDA FoodData Central Legacy foods database reports that 100 g. of enriched white bread flour contains 12 g. of protein (12%).

In Canada, wheat is classified in regulations under the Canada Grain Act. Wheat classes are established by the Canadian Grain Commission, which has revised the classes in response to consultation with growers and processors. In Canada a 2015 book called Understanding Ingredients for the Canadian Baker (published under a Creative Commons Licence) noted in Chapter 1.9, as to All-Purpose and Bread flour sold in Canada:

General purpose or home use flours are usually a blend of hard spring wheats that are lower in protein (gluten) content than bread flours. They are top patent flours and contain sufficient protein to make good yeast breads, yet not too much for good quick breads, cakes, and cookies.


Bread flour is milled from blends of hard spring and hard winter wheats. They average about 13% protein and are slightly granular to the touch. This type of flour is sold chiefly to bakers because it makes excellent bread with bakery equipment, but has too much protein for home use. It is also called strong flour or hard flour and is second patent flour.

A recipe will describe the kind of flour, as well as the amount. The purposes of this kind of formula are to mix the right amounts of water, yeast and salt to get the right kind of bread,to predict how much dough to expect, and to organize the other steps of the baking process. Recipes for the home baker usually list ingredients by volume – cups, tablespoons etc.  A recipe for a 1 lb. loaf of bread requires 2 cups of white bread flour or whole wheat flour.  By the early 20th century, most recipes referred to a standard measuring cup, which could vary depending on where the recipe was published:

  • A US cup is .87 of an Imperial (U.K., many other English speaking countries) cup. An Imperial cup is 1.2 US cups;
  • A metric cup is a quarter liter (250 millilitres) which is .88 Imperial cups or 1.06 US cups.

The method of filling the measuring cup affects the density and the weight of one cup. When a measuring cup is put into flour and used to scoop the flour, the flour is more dense. When flour is scooped with a scoop and or spooned into a measuring cup, it is less dense. There is a range of weights for a USA cup of (white) bread flour in the sources:

  • 4.25 oz. = 121 g. See: King Arthur Flour ingredient weight chart. King Arthur Flour’s method is to use a scoop, “fluff and sprinkle” and level the top of the measuring cup.;
  • 4.5 oz. = 128 g. Peter Reinhart (The Bread Baker’s Apprentice, and other books) says 4.5 oz.; he measures flour scooped in a scoop and poured into the measuring cup;
  • 4.875 (i.e. 4 and 7/8) oz. = 138 g.;
  • 4.9 oz. = 139 g.;
  • 5 oz. = 141 g. The Bread Lover’s Bread Machine Cookbook (BLBMC) suggests 1 cup of bread flour or whole wheat flour converts at 5 oz. 

Whole wheat flour ranges from 4 oz. = 113 g. (King Arthur) to nearly 5 oz. per cup (BLBMC). While whole wheat and bread flour weigh nearly the same amount per unit of volume, bread flour has more of the proteins that bond to form gluten. It is mixed, kneaded and handled differently.

Many recipes round flour and water to the nearest quarter cup. The Bread Lover’s Bread Machine Cookbook (Harvard Common Press, 2000; by Beth Hensperger) goes to the nearest 1/8 cup. 

Measuring by weight is the standard for commercial baking. Scales in ounces go down to 1/8 oz, but not necessarily to decimal fractions.  Metric kitchen scales go to the nearest gram. That is close enough for flour. Converting a recipe involves interpreting the recipe and making assumptions about the writer measured ingredients, and assumptions about ingredients. Errors in conversion and mistakes in arithmetic (e.g. slips in entering numbers in a calculator) can change the dough and the loaf. A recipe may list flour by weight, or a book may discuss conversion. Where recipes provide weight, I refer to weight. If not, I guess and experiment. In recipe conversion usually drag-scooped cups are more appropriate.

For bread machine bread, I weigh (white) bread flour (Canadian All Purpose) and whole wheat flour at 139 g. per cup in a recipe.

Zorjirushi bread machine manuals recommend scooping and filling measuring cups or weighing. The Zojirushi recipes imply:

IngredientVolumeWeight1 cup =
Bread Flour4 ¼ cups544 g.128 g.
Whole wheat flour4 ¾ cups570 g.120 g.

B% (Bakers’ formula, or bakers’ ratio

Baker percentage (B%), a method of managing the production of bread. It is explained in a some baker cookbooks, For instance Peter Reinhardt devotes pages 40-45 of The Bread Baker’s Apprentice to this topic. It is a tool taught to professional bakers, and addressed in texts such as Daniel T. DiMuzio’s Bread Baking; An Artisan’s Perspective. For the baker-manager, it is a calculation to scale inputs to create 2, 10, 100 or 1,000 consistent loaves of bread. The assumptions are consistency of ingredients, equipment, energy, working space, and time.  For managing production, every ingredient is put into the formula.  It is as precise as it needs to be, for how it is used. B% is explained:

B% is a list of ingredients by weight, for a batch of dough – an instruction to make baking consistent and get the same result every time. . The professional baker will have to mix enough dough to bake dozens or hundreds of loaves, divide it, shape it and bake it. The essential ingredients – flour, water, yeast and salt – need to be measured, mixed, fermented and baked the same way. The home baker uses less ingredients and will only make a few loaves in one session.

The simplest version of the formula or ratio starts with the weight of the four essential ingredients. The weight of flour is treat as 100%, The weight of salt and yeast are noted and calculated as a percentage of flour weight. Water is weighed and is also calculated as a percentage of flour weight – the percentage is called hydration.

A couple of simple recipes follow. The first is a dough for 2 batard loaves of French bread. The second is for 2 pounds of bread, followed by dough for several loaves of ciabbata or baguette

WeightPercentwhatBy volume,
White Flour580 g.100flour weight4 cups
Water406 g.70hydration1 ¾ cups
Instant Yeast4 g..71 ½ tsp.
Salt12 g.22 tsp.
Total172.7percentage total
Emily Buehler, Bread Science, Location 2878
CiabbataCiabatta %Baguette
Baguette %
Bread Flour1377 g.1002156 g.100
Water1060 g.771488 g.69
Instant Yeast10 g..712 g..6
Salt28 g.254 g.2.5
Daniel DiMusio, Bread Baking

When one type of flour is used, the flour weight is the total flour weight.

When different flours are combined, the weights are added to determine total flour weight, even when flours differ in density and protein content. The relative amounts of flour are identified as a percentage of the total flour weight (e.g. 50% bread flour and 50% whole wheat; or 90% bread flour and 10% rye flour). It gets complicated. While any dry ingredient can be weighed and a B% calculated, not all dry ingredients count for Total Flour. The total flour weight can be the sum of the weights of:

  • flour, including any grain product such as rolled oats, grain meal or vital wheat gluten (gluten flour); or
  • all dry ingredients except salt, yeast, dry seeds, and fruit.

The weight of every ingredient can be listed and expressed as a percentage of the total flour weight. When the of flour, salt, yeast and water percentages are added up, the sum of percentages is well over 100%. A wet dough for a ciabatta bread will add up to 179%. This means the wet dough weighs 179% of the dry flour alone, at the beginning of the process.

I use mainly use metric weight; I may also note US ounces.

Nutrition Facts labels on bags of flour may suggest the weight of a quarter cup of flour. Online conversion calculators and tables also may appear to be useful. These are based on software that hook into the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) Data Cental tables or other data, which may use loosely filled cups, rather than drag-scooped cups. Other flours might graph to a mean, but show more variability. These numbers are high and can be reduced by a few grams per cup.

White Whole Wheat flour is mentioned in a recipe from BLBMC (p. 127) “White Whole Wheat Flour Bread”. (see variation with 3 cups of flour). It is supposed to work like bread flour; a loaf is supposed to work on basic bake, which is a “white bread” cycle. It is available from King Arthur mills in the USA:

White whole-wheat flour is … made with hard white spring or winter wheat — the bran, germ, and endosperm are all ground to result in another 100 percent whole-wheat flour. … because it’s made with hard white wheat instead of hard red wheat, like whole-wheat flour, it has a paler color and its taste is milder. It’s still nuttier than all-purpose flour because it includes the fibrous bran and germ of the wheat, but it’s a more approachable whole-wheat flour, particularly for those who don’t enjoy the hearty taste of whole-wheat flour.

It can be used interchangeably with whole-wheat flour in any recipe

I substituted Rogers “Whole Wheat Bread Flour”, for White Whole Wheat in a recipe. The Rogers product was an enhanced whole wheat flour, higher in protein (gluten) than the flour in the recipe. It was a lesson. I stopped looking for flour that can’t be obtained in this part of Canada.


Plain Water

In a simple recipe, there is just water. A cup depends on the recipe and the context. A cup of water,

  • USA standard, is 236.6 grams, which rounds up to 237 g. (in the metric system one milliliter of water is one gram).
  • An Imperial cup of water converts to 284 grams.
  • A metric cup of water is 250 grams.

Too much water is cited by many sources as a cause of some kinds of failure – weak and sunken loaves.  Too much is in relation to the amount of flour that is being hydrated, and the mixing or kneading action of the machine. An extra 30 grams (1/8 cup = 2 tbsp.) of water into 3 cups of flour means a wet sloppy dough.  The goal is tenacious and somewhat elastic (i.e. that pulls back to its original size and shape) dough that is also extensible – it relaxes.  T

Milk, Honey, Eggs, Syrups

A recipe may include milk, syrup, eggs, butter or vegetable oil. Wet ingredients, except oils extracted from pressed seeds, are water with sugar, fat and protein molecules suspended or dissolved in water. The water in a wet ingredient will interact with flour if it is not already bonded to something else. Any wet ingredient can be weighed and a B% calculated, but not all wet ingredients are counted as water. When a water-based fluid like milk is the only water in a dough, the weight of the milk is used to calculate hydration of the dough. Milk is nearly all water, but not all of the water is available to bond to the starch in flour – only 85 to 90%. 1 + 1/4 cups of skim milk has 1 + 3/16 cups (1 cup + 3 Tbsp.) of water. Some water remains bound to natural milk sugars including lactose and to milk fats. A cup of fluid cow’s milk weights 244-245 grams and contains about 12 g. of lactose and other milk sugars according to USDA averages. The sugars are hygroscopic but milk has ample water to hydrate the flour. Whole milk should be 3.25% butter fat. 2% milk, 1% milk, and non-fat (or skim) milk are reduced fat milk products.

Reconstituted milk (powder and fresh water) is nearly the same as milk. The ingredients on packages of milk powder and on the Web vary. The ratio of powder to water may be 4 or 5 Tablespoons to 1 cup. It depend on the brand and one use choices. Substituting powdered milk and water for fluid milk can be approached by mixing the powder and water and pouring the reconstituted milk into the measuring vessel, using the reconstituted milk in the amount in the recipe. In mixing the milk, 1 cup of water will gain weight but will only slightly change volume.

Unpasteurized milk can lead to surprizes. Some bakers think milk,  real or reconstituted, should be scalded to denature proteins. Mostly dry milk is produced by baking to dry out the water. The heat denatures the protein.

Butter, maple syrup, honey and other syrups have some water. The home baker’s trick is reduce water in a recipe by 1/4 cup for 1 cup of honey, when honey is used to replace sugar. The average for honey in the US and Canada is 17 g water per 100 g of honey. The typical pure maple syrup for sale in the US or Canada is 32 grams of water per 100 grams of syrup. A large egg, in the Canadian egg grading system, is about 57 g.  A large egg contributes 36 g. to hydration – nearly 3/16 of a cup of water.

For ingredients that are largely water – i.e. milk, butter, eggs, syrups – rather than seed or vegetable oil I note weight of water, taken from conversion tables.

Wet ingredients that contain water may be noted to see if a dough has a higher real hydration rate than a simple calculation implies. Ingredients that contain water are not necessarily counted directly in industrial B% – it involves conversions and extra math. Water content of baking ingredients can be calculated by referring the USDA Food Composition Databases. For a Canadian product, the Canadian Nutrient File may have the value. Using the databases takes some practice. Not all of the water reported in the data is released from the source ingredient and incorporated into dough. It may be necessary to use a teaspoon or two more water to get the hydration right.

I put in oil by volume and do not bother to weight it or calculate a ratio.

Yeast and Salt


Yeast means yeast organisms commercially grown, preserved, packaged, and distributed as a leavening agent. Most grocery stores carry active dry yeast and smaller grained dry yeast: instant yeast, quick-rise/rapid-rise yeasts, or “bread machine” yeast. Cakes and blocks of fresh yeast are rare, and not usually mentioned in home baking recipes. Recipes may refer to active dry yeast by volume (tablespoons and teaspoons); or by packets. Active dry yeast was and is still sold in foil packets containing .25 oz. of yeast. This was a tablespoon at one time. Active dry yeast became somewhat denser and finer grained. A packet of modern active dry yeast is about 2.25 teaspoons, but is still .25 oz. = 7 grams. A 7 gram/.25 oz. packet of modern active dry yeast is equivalent to 2 tsp. (6.2 grams) of instant yeast. Bread machine recipes refer to Instant yeast, bread machine yeast or active dry yeast. Conversion is simple if a recipe refers to instant yeast or to quick rise or “bread machine yeast. 1 tsp = 3.1 g. I tried to make conversions from active dry to instant yeast fast and simple with a table, which is in my post Dry Yeast.


Salt has several effects:

  • it alters or enhances the flavour of bread,
  • it preserves bread, for a few days, against some microbial infestation
  • it interacts with amino acids making up the gluten proteins, and affects the elasticity of dough. Less salt means a less elastic and tenacious dough.
  • it inhibits the yeast and slows the fermentation.

Thebakers’ rule of thumb is that when salt is decreased, yeast should also be decreased. This avoids an overinflated loaf that will collapse or overflow the baking pan, But the effects of salt on bread dough and baking are complicated.

Recipes that say “salt” always refer to ordinary table salt, unless a particular type or brand is stated. Some table salts are fine-grained and denser. Kosher salt has large crystals and it less dense. A baker measuring by volume should be aware of the differences, but crystal size do not affect measurement by weight. 1 tsp of ordinary table salt = 5.7 g. For quick reference in baking and bread machine baking, I read a refererence in a recipe as table salt, conventionally ground, and convert to weight:

Volume tsp. fractionVolume tsp. decimalWeight grams


For bread machine baking, yeast and salt should be measured to .1 gram, which requires a small high precision scale. This item is more expensive than measuring spoons, but important. Some brick and mortar retail stores sell high precision scales. There are several inexpensive scales available online.

Conversions, Volume and Weight

The King Arthur Flour ingredient weight table is good, but refers to ingredients as if all suppliers of a particular item have uniform standards and methods. I keep my data about baking ingredients in a spreadsheet on a local (i.e. where I am) device, rather than on a remote server on the Internet in the cloud.

Dry Yeast

Table of Contents


In 1999, Beth Hensperger, in her Bread Bible said that the yeast on the market for the home baker included cakes of fresh yeast and a few types of dry yeasts:

  • active dry yeast;
  • instant; and
  • quick-rise and/or rapid-rise.

The use of fresh yeast (yeast cakes or compressed yeast) in home baking was rare by 1999 – recipes or formulas that mention fresh yeast were decades old.

Most home baking books published in English after about 1950-60 had been written with active dry yeast as the yeast to be used. It a dry powder. The particles are clumps of dormant living yeast organism, in shell of dead yeast cells. It needs to be exposed to water. The common practice, called proofing, was to soak dry yeast in warm (not hot) water to break up the dead cell coating and revive the dormant living yeast

Active dry yeast, a shelf stable granular yeast, manufactured by dehydrating yeast cells and packaging the product was the preferred product for fermentation of bread dough 20th century. The process was introduced by Fleischmann’s Yeast during World War II, and has been widely copied.

Some commercial formulas and and reference materials still refer to “fresh” yeast, compressed yeast cakes, the industrial product of cultivated yeast, processed and preserved in a wet medium, usually refrigerated.

Beth Hensperger mentioned, in her Bread Bible, bread machine yeast, then manufactured by Fleishmann’s and Red Star. She said it was finely granulated and coated with ascorbic acid. Instant yeast was new to the market. Yeast manufacturers released instant yeasts under various names. Instant yeasts, whether called instant, quick-rise, rapid-rise or bread machine yeast are dry yeasts make up of clumps of dormant cells, coated in chemicals. The clumps are smaller than clumps or grains of active dry yeast. It does not need to be proofed or activated. It become active on contact with water in a dough while the flour and water are mixed when the water dissolve the coating.

Recipes for home bakers generally use volume measurements.

Yeast: Science, Technical, historical

Yeast is a eukaryotic (single-celled) microorganisim. Yeasts are fungi. There are hundreds of species. The principal species used in processing carbohydrates in baking, brewing, and wine-making, and as a food product (nutritional yeast) is Saccharomyces cerevisiae (“S. cerevisiae”). Many varieties (“strains”) of S. cerevisiae are used in food processing, and are grown, processed, and marketed in different ways. Sources suggest that 1 gram of yeast contains about 20,000,000,000 (20 billion) individual yeast cells. This number will have been calculated from assessments of the number of cells in even smaller samples, which may have include some wet medium or dry coating.

Brewers differentiate: yeasts that form a film on top of a wort like S. cerevisiae are ale yeasts. Yeasts that accumulate and ferment on the bottom of a wort are yeasts for lagers.

The beginning of brewing and baking were historically related. However, the history of food was largely not recorded. Yeast infested grain mashes. Yeast consumed starch (fermentation) producing carbon dioxide and alcohols. Carbon dioxide trapped in webs of gluten, makes bread rise. Alcohols flavour bread, and have other purposes. These accidents started cycles of experimentation, learning and imitation.

At some points, bakers obtained yeast by buying by-products of brewing. Industrial yeast production in the 18th and 19th century produced compressed or “caked” fresh yeast in blocks or “cakes” to industrial bakers.

By 1999, yeast manufacturers were introducing new dry yeast products to the market. A proliferation of names arose because manufacturers used different techniques and marketing terms. The manufacturers do not explain (to retail consumers and home bakers) how rapid/quick-rise, instant yeast and bread machine yeast products are made, or how they differed. Specifications and methods are not noted on the packaging and are not published widely – perhaps only for some customers.

Mergers and acquisitions realigned brands. The American brand Red Star was acquired by the European manufacturer Lesaffre in 2001, and then sold to Archer Midland Daniels, and managed as joint venture. Bakipan, another American brand, for instance, said that its “Fast Rising Instant Yeast [is] … cake yeast in a semi-dormant state. The drying process in its manufacture reduces moisture content, giving it a longer shelf life than cake yeast while retaining optimum activity. … Bakipan® Fast Rising Instant Yeast is a fast-acting yeast that can shorten the rise times for traditional baking …”  

Dry Yeasts


For cooking and baking measurement of active dry yeast, like other ingredients for home cooking, was and is usually by volume. The teaspoon is the normal unit of measurement. A teaspoon is exactly 1/3 of a Tablespoon. The exact metric conversion, to the nearest .1 millilitre is 4.9 ml. It is common for spoons to be marked indicating that 1 teaspoon is 5 ml., 1 Tablespoon is 15 ml., ½ tsp. is 2.5 ml., etc.

Some reference materials provide general comparison of the weights of fresh yeast and the varieties of dry yeast.

Peter Reinhart, the author of popular books on artisinal technique for home baking, suggested at p. 15, in Crust and Crumb (1996), that active dry yeast and instant yeast weighed about 40% and 33%, respectively, of the equivalent amount of fresh yeast. At p. 28 in The Bread Baker’s Apprentice (2001), Peter Reinhart give the values differently. The values:

ProductWeight (C&C)Weight (BBA)Volume (C&C)Volume (BBA)
Fresh1 oz.1 Tbsp.
Active dry.4 oz.1.25 tsp
Active dry.1 oz.1 tsp.
Instant.33 oz..11 oz.1 tsp.1 tsp.

Daniel Di Muzio, in Bread Baking, An Artisan’s Perspective (2010), said:

You need only about half the weight of [active dry] yeast called for in formulas that specify fresh yeast. …. The conversion factor [for instant yeast] versus fresh yeast is even lower. You only need 33-40 % as much instant yeast as fresh yeast …

Active Dry

Active dry yeast was developed in the 1940s. Active dry yeast was durable for months or years without refrigeration, unlike the compressed fresh yeast used by industrial bakers. Active dry yeast was and is manufactured by drying a yeast culture. The dried yeast was made up of “grains” resembling fine sand, which are actually clusters of thousands of yeast cells. The exterior of the grains was/is made of dead cells. The live dormant interior cells can be activated by putting the dry yeast in warm (not hot) water. This product had and has a serious expiry date. Active dry yeast was and is sold in 1/4 oz. (U.S.) packets. In the US, a 1/4 oz. packet was 1 Tbsp. For some years one packet 2.5 tsp. As of about 2001 it was 2.25 tsp. Old packets of old style active dry yeast have not been manufactured or sold for decades. Bread recipes from the 1940’s until the introduction of the other dry yeast varieties refer to active dry yeast. Many specify with amounts of active dry yeast in packets or by measuring spoons, by volume. Active dry yeast is measured to the nearest quarter teaspoon in many home baking recipes and bread machine recipes.

Instant Yeasts

Instant yeast “grains”mail are smaller than grains of active dry, and chemically coated in ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) and sugar. Instant yeast activates on contact with the water when the dry ingredients are mixed with the wet ingredients, and almost never needs to be activated or prehydrated to propogate. See All About Dried Yeast, What is Bread Machine Yeast, the King Arthur flour Ingredient Guide, the King Arthur web article All About Yeast, and the King Arthur blog post “Which Yeast to Use”. See also Commercial Yeast in Fresh Loaf Baker’s Handbook, and What’s the Difference between Active Dry Yeast and Instant Yeast. For the history of baking yeast, and the ways it has been presented, Lesaffre’s Explore Yeast pages are informative.  A leading baking industry paper on instant yeast: Lallemande’s Update, Volume 2 # 9.

Beth Hensperger mentioned instant yeasts sold as Regular Instant and Special Instant in her 1999 Bread Bible.

Lesaffre brought instant yeast to the market in the U.S. under its SAF brands: SAF Instant Red and SAF Instant Gold. The Gold product is osmo-tolerant, and said to be “designed especially for doughs high in sugar (sweet breads)”. Lesaffre distributes SAF Instant yeasts to home bakers in the US through quasi-wholesale mail-order and online vendors like King Arthur Flour.

Increasingly, general bread recipe books are written for instant yeast, also by volume. Books on artisanal bread baking do not distinguish quick-rise/rapid-rise yeast from instant yeast. Peter Reinhart said that instant yeast can be substituted for compressed fresh and active dry yeast for home bread baking, and for artisanal recipe uses. He came to accept that instant yeast should be re-hydrated for artisanal breads in Artisan Bread Every Day (2009) at p. 13 (although fermentation should be slowed down with refrigeration to develop flavor and other features of artisanally baked bread). Other writers agree. See:

  • Peter Reinhart, Crust and Crumb (Ten Speed Press, 1998);
  • Peter Reinhart, The Bread Baker’s Apprentice (Ten Speed Press, 2001);
  • Peter Reinhart, Artisan Bread Every Day (Ten Speed Press, 2009);
  • Robert DiMuzio, Bread Baking; An Artisan’s Perspective (Wiley, 2010).

Some recipe and baking books suggest letting the yeast and ingredients warm to room temperature. Refrigeration preserves the product. Some  sources suggest that keeping yeast cold, including dried yeast, slows it down. Reinhart noted that instant yeast is potent but slow to awake in The Bread Baker’s Apprentice at p. 32, and in later books began to suggest putting instant yeast in warm (not hot) water was useful.

Quick-rise/rapid-rise yeasts are dried and coated differently than “instant” yeast, depending on the manufacturer or processor. Some have the words “Instant Yeast” on the label. See: Yeast: Dry vs. Rapid-Rise and the thread “Fast Active Fleishmann’s vs. SAF Instant” (about pizza dough). The equivalences were debated in forums like Instant Yeast vs. Fleishmann’s Rapid-Rise.


Yeasts, once they activate, ferment and propogate, pick up speed and hit a peak. Some compressed and active dry yeasts have a second peak – home wine makers and home beer makers encounter this with their yeasts which have a vigorous first fermentation and a secondary fermentation. Bakers may time their bulk fermentation and final proof to take advantage of each. I found a graph on SAF instant yeast gas production (with the Cyrillic text and the red line for SAF in the post by Mariana January 2, 2018 in the forum Difference in Yeast Brands). I have not found comparison graphs for other instant yeasts.

Converting Active Dry to Instant

In 1999, Beth Hensperger, writing in her Bread Bible said that a quarter ounce (US Units) “packet” of active dry yeast was a Tablespoon. Modern active dry yeast grains are finer, and the product is more dense. Modern active dry yeast is still sold in quarter ounce packets. For a few years, a quarter ounce converted to 2.5 tsp. (.83 Tbsp). More recently, leading brands Fleishmann’s, Red Star (Lesaffre), SAF (Lesaffre) state that their quarter ounce packet of active dry yeast contains 2.25 tsp.

The amount of current active dry yeast to substitute for a packet of active dry in a recipe can be determined easily:

  • A quarter ounce packet is still a quarter ounce packet;
  • A home baker with a jar of modern active dry yeast can scoop 2.25 tsp. of modern active dry to substitute for a “packet” of active dry in an old recipe.

Converting a specific amount by volume – e.g. 2 tsp. – of active dry yeast in an old recipe to modern active dry yeast, or to instant yeast will involve parsing the recipe to determine what an author meant, and a little math.

Differences between active dry and Instant yeast:

  1. Instant yeast has smaller particles; it is denser. 1 tsp. of instant is heavier than 1 tsp. of active dry. Online sources say that 1 tsp. of instant is 3.1, 3.12 or 3.15 g,;
  2. Instant yeast has less coating and has more active yeast cells. It starts fermenting faster and is more “potent”;
  3. Instant yeast is harder to weigh. 1There is a problem filling a true teaspoon – or even verifying that a teaspoon measures exactly 4.9 ml. Many manufacturers make a teaspoon that measures 5 ml. It is necessary to weigh repeatedly with a verified teaspoon and average the readings. There may be variation depending on how the yeast has been processed and handled, and temperature. I measured SAF Instant Red, and thought 1 tsp. was 2.8 g. I tried SAF Instant Red again and got weights from 2.95 to 3.32 g. for 1 tsp. It may be ≧3.3 g. for other brands. I use the standard 3.12 g. as 1 tsp.
Product (1 tsp.)Weight, U.S. oz.Weight, (metric) grams
Active dry0.12.83
Online sources say that 1 tsp. of instant is 3.1, 3.12 or 3.15 g.

Substituting dense, more potent instant yeast for active dry means less volume and a decrease in weight. The bakers’ rules of thumb at the end of the 20th century for converting instant and (modern) active dry yeast by volume were:

  • 5 parts active dry = 4 parts instant. 1.25 tsp. active dry = 1 tsp. of instant, per Peter Reinhart; and
  • 4 parts active dry 3 parts instant. 4 tsp. active dry = 3 tsp. of instant.

The 5 parts to 4 ratio suggests that the amount of instant yeast to substitute for active dry yeast is 4/5 (80%) of the active dry yeast. The ratio may be 6/7 (86%). Either ratio is close enough to be useful, if a home user mixing enough ingredients for one or two loaves can be precise whether measuring by volume or by weight.

Conversion of active dry yeast in a recipe by weight is simple, if a baker is sure that a recipe refers to active dry yeast that was as effective as modern active dry yeast, which weighs 2.83 grams per teaspoon, has a scale that is precise enough and knows the right conversion factors. 1 tsp. of active dry yeast might be converted 2.1 grams of instant yeast. 80 or 85% of 2.83 g. would be 2.3 g. or 2.4 g.

Any given online converter may not use accurate information about the products, or make rounding errors. [Update -the Omni calculator, as of late 2022, is fast and close enough to be useful with the amounts used to mix dough for 1 or 2 large or medium loaves.]

More conversions, not entirely consistent. These cannot be easily measured with measuring spoons or weighed without a very precise scale:

Active dry
Active dry
US oz.
Active dry
US oz.
1 packet
after 2005

Bread Machine

Beth Hensperger suggested using bread machine yeast in bread machine recipes in the Robotic Kneads chapter of her Bread Bible.

In The Bread Lover’s Bread Machine Cookbook, Bread Hensperger suggested that SAF Instant Red yeast was more efficient for bread machine baking than the yeast then marketed as “bread machine” yeast. She provided different amounts for instant yeast and bread machine yeast for individual recipes. This advice was not helpful. She later stopped offering it in bread machine bread recipes published on her web site.

Instant yeasts, rapid/quick-rise yeasts, and bread machine yeasts vary in some ways, but are equivalent for bread machines. I use instant yeast in my bread machine (and for all bread baking).

Cookbooks and Salt

Dietary and culinary theories abounded – and still persist, that salt is adds flavour and should be used in cooking nutritious and tasty food. Salt has been added to food as necessary preservative e.g. ham, sausage, olives, cheese, soy and other sauces. It has become a normal practice to put some salt into any dish, or the water to prepare boiled ingredients.

Some culinary books say that consumers can avoid the wrong processed ingredients and avoid processed foods. That’s true, but that advice may be accompanied by advising home cooks to use salt, as suggested in a recipe, in preparing meals.  Also to brine certain foods to make them cook better. The writers, presenters, and publishers of the  Cook’s Illustrated/America’s Test Kitchen family are an example. This sends contradictory messages about processed food, prepared food, home cooking and eating to satisfy taste and psychological needs:

  • It supports home cooking and food preparation with less reliance on processed ingredients
  • It appears to encourage safe and wise use of salt
  • It is a rationale for trying a salted item for one’s own pleasure or as  comfort food, which is also a rationale for departing from a program.

Recipes from some sources include nutrition facts.  General recipe books generally do not provide this kind of information.   General recipes may involve processed ingredients; these are worthless in a low-sodium diet unless a no sodium alternative can be substituted.

Some culinary books recommend measuring salt by weight, because it is more precise and because of the variations in the densities of salt (oarse, kosher, table, sea salt etc).  Table salt is not uniform.  Recipes assume table salt, at 6 grams per teaspoon. Cook’s Illustrated/America’s Test Kitchen published the weight of a specific brand of iodized table salt (Morton Iodized Salt) in The Science of Good Cooking (2012) at p. 113 as over 7 grams. The extra gram of salt is 400 mg. of sodium.

Continue reading “Cookbooks and Salt”


Table of Contents


This post is dated 2018. It has been written to be updated.



Salt (sodium chloride) is a chemical agent used to cook or process food. Saltiness is regarded as one of 5 main tastes. (Scientists have not, as of 2018, identified a distinctive taste receptor for salt.)  Sodium is an essential nutrient, but consuming more sodium than the minimum has no health benefits.

Mark Kurlansky’s excellent book Salt: a World History (2002) tells of the uses of salt to brine or pickle soybeans and vegetables in China (>700 BCE), to cure hams by the Celts (Gauls and Germans) and Romans (>100 BCE),  the fermentation of fish to make Garum (Greek, Phoenician, Meditaranean, Roman fish sauce >900 BCE ) and oriental fish sauces ( China >2000 BCE ). The production of salt may have started about 8,000 years ago. Until the invention of canning and refrigeration, salt was used to preserve food.  Salt was and still is used to control or kill bacteria or yeast to preserve food (salting, cure, brine or pickle).  Some foods were to heavily salted they had to be soaked to make them palatable. Salt is use also to manage the activity of “good” yeast and bacteria.

Modern Food

Food processing includes:

  • harvesting, drying & milling raw plant products including grain, beans, vegetables and fruit;
  • raising, slaughtering and butchering animals;
  • processing agricultural products to commodies used to “make” food – e.g. flour, powder and syrop;
  • combining processed commodities to manufacture food product including products that can be served after adding water, or warming them with appliances;
  • packaging a product for transportation and sale
  • (pre)cooking food into heat and serve meals.

Sodium and Health


Sodium is an essential nutrient but excessive sodium consumption is a health risk.

The upper limits for sodium intake, in milligrams, per day:

These numbers are not stated in ranges for body type, or weight.  The limits are stated as a single number for an “average” adult and a second, lower number for persons diagnosed with hypertension, or defined by age or other statistical risks. The 2,300 milligram figure is the sodium in 5,700 mg. (5.7 grams) of salt – about a teaspoon (the unit of volume). Exceeding the upper limit is risky and harmful.

Other sodium compounds added to processed food: sodium bicarbonate, sodium citrate, sodium phosphates, sodium pyrophosphate, monosodium glutamate.

Salt, Sugar, Fat

Processed foods used chemical additives – for instance as a binding agents – e.g. to make starch and water into a pudding. In Salt, Sugar, Fat (2013), investigative journalist Michael Moss looked at those ingredients as additives, and at aspects of the food industry:

  • financial and market constraints; investor and corporate governance
    • selling more product is the main goal;
    • input costs are already controlled; the costs of getting goods in front of customers is the main production cost,
  • marketing and social engineering:
    • the quasi-science of flavour,
    • consumer expectations: convenience, flavour, texture;
  • product development and financial engineering:
  • the politics of getting the food industry to state the contents of its products.

Michael Moss reported on his interviews with personnel at Cargill, a major supplier of salt to the food processing industry in his 2010 New York Times article “The Hard Sell on Salt” and in Salt, Sugar, Fat. Without salt:

  • The Cheez-It was not palatable. The colour faded. The crackers became sticky when chewed, and the mash packed onto the teeth. The taste was medicinal;
  • Corn Flakes tasted metallic;
  • Eggo waffles evoked stale straw;
  • The butter flavor in the Keebler Light Buttery Crackers, which have no butter, disappeared;
  • Many products, including meat products, develop what food industry people called Warmed Over Flavour, described as cardboard or damp dog hair.

Salt, Sodium and Public Heath

Public health campaigns in the 1980’s concentrated on avoiding sprinking salt on prepared food by the (with a salt shaker/salt grinder).  Then public agencies set limits and compelled food processors to put salt on product labels.  Disclosure of sodium in product labels for processed foods is required by law in North America and Europe. Campaigns moved on to changed limits, better labels, more information, labels on menus, etc. 

The food industry wants to identify whatever it produces and sells as safe, nutritious, and authentic or wholesome. The food industry considers labelling and public health information represents the foot of government on the throat of free enterprise. In part it promotes scepticism about the science that says excess salt is bad. Michael Moss looked resistance from food manufacturers and processors in the Salt section of his book Salt, Sugar, Fat. Marion Nestle has provided commentary on the Food Politics web site.  (Search Salt in the search bar or search for posts tagged Salt).  Scientific American published one article in July 2011 “It’s Time to End the War on Salt” discussing the inconclusiveness of clinical trials.  A week later, Scientific American published an inteview with Marion Nestle who said:

But if you do a clinical trial where you try to put large amounts of people on a low-salt diet, you just don’t see much difference between the people who say they eat a lot of salt and the people who say they don’t eat a lot of salt. In clinical trials the relationship doesn’t show up. Two reasons: One that it’s impossible to put a population of people on a low-salt diet. Roughly 80 percent of the salt in the American food supply is in foods before people eat them—either in processed food or in restaurant food. Because so much salt is added to the food supply and because so many people eat out, it’s impossible to find a population of people who are eating a low-salt diet. They basically don’t exist.

… There’s a proportion of people in the population who are sensitive to salt—if you lower their intake of salt, then their blood pressure goes down. There’s another (probably larger) percentage of the population who doesn’t respond. They are people who can eat as much salt as they want and still their blood pressure is low.  So you have this curious anomaly where whenever you do a clinical trial you get these complicated, difficult-to-interpret results that don’t show much of an effect. But everybody who works with patients who have hypertension think they do better [on a low-salt diet].

Scientific American, July 14, 2011, The Salt Wars Rage On: A Chat with Nutrition Professor Marion Nestle

The food industry has created some products that are made without adding salt and other sodium compounds.  It’s a niche – another diet option. “Healthy” (whole grain, high fiber, low-fat, and organic)  products often are as salty as anything else, or more (e.g. low-fat mayonnaise in a product line may have 150-200% the sodium of the regular mayonnaise). Reduced” or “low” sodium statements by manufacturers are generally mere puffery. “No added sodium” generally means no sodium, but not always.

Living without salt means learning to taste differently.  It does not mean that everything is going to be bland.  People get habituated to the amount of salt they normally consume:

A group of young adult subjects was placed on self-maintained, low sodium diets for 5 months. Taste responses to salt in solutions, soups, and crackers were determined both during the 2 months preceding diet initiation and during a 5-month period when subjects lowered their sodium intake. Taste responses were also determined in a control group with ad libitum salt consumption throughout the same period. Perceived intensity of salt in crackers increased. The salt concentrations of maximum pleasantness in soup and crackers fell in the experimental subjects but not in the control subjects. These results demonstrate that the preferred level of salt in food is dependent on the level of salt consumed and that this preferred level can be lowered after a reduction in sodium intake. The implications of these findings for the maintenance of low sodium diets are discussed.

Bertino, Beauchamp & Engelman The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Volume 36, Issue 6, 1 December 1982, Pages 1134–1144

Also “Effect of dietary sodium restriction on taste responses to sodium chloride: a longitudinal study”, The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Volume 44, Issue 2, 1 August 1986, Pages 232–243

High Sodium Foods

Food products high in sodium:

  • Bread;
  • Sandwich spreads, condiments and salad dressings;
  • Processed meat, cold cuts, charcuterie;
  • Cheese;
  • crackers,
  • pickles, olives,.
  • Processed (flaked/puffed or shaped and toasted) breakfast cereal;
  • Tomato juice, vegetable juice and tomato-clam (some very high);
  • Processed spaghetti sauces and tomato sauces (very high);
  • Pizza – bread topped with tomato sauce, cheese, and whatever else (most very high);
  • Canned soups (monstrously high);
  • Soy sauce, hoisin sauce and fish sauce; miso paste (monstrously high).